Black Aluminum Panel

Aluminium fence panels Horizental Slats

Aluminium fence panels Horizental Slats
Aluminium fence panels Horizental Slats

Aluminium fence panels Horizental Slats
Product comes within a set contained in one bo. Posts are not included in the price. Horizental slats are 2380x65x16mm, 1.2mm thickness, 22 units. Vertical U channel 1800x30x30mm and caps for both sides. U channel stifinner in the middle, 1750x15x40mm and cap. 42 of 15mm spacers and 2 of 50mm spacers. 34 metal screws, 6 plastic caps for all U channels' top and bottom. The actual size after install together is 2410w X 1805h. If you choose our 65x65x1900mm flange post, please.

For flange posts, you will have about 130mm distance above the ground.

Aluminium fence panels Horizental Slats